Who we are

FOPP receives funding from the prison and from the Tea-Bar takings.  Funding is required to cover the costs of paying wages and pension contributions to our employees, providing insurance cover for our volunteers and for paying allowable expenses, etc.

Although the majority of our funding comes directly from the prison in the form of a grant (negotiated annually), we  do operate independently of the prison, apart from deciding which areas within the prison they would like us to focus on.  From time to time we produce a Service Level Agreement, which forms the basic contract between FOPP and the prison, whereby we agree how many hours of volunteering we will aim to provide in each of the specified areas.  Our Volunteer Coordinator keeps records of the volunteer hours provided in each area, so the directors can monitor how well we have fulfilled our commitment.

The directors each take responsibility for one or more aspects of the board’s work such as ensuring we meet our responsibilities under the GDPR and Health & Safety legislation, managing income and expenditure, taxation, wages and pensions, line management of our employees, conducting volunteer appraisals, liaising with the Prison Director and managing the website. 

Details of our directors, along with personal profiles describing their experience and outside interests can be found on the Meet Our Directors page.

Read on to view our company details…


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