Change of Terminology

Historically, it has been the policy of Friends Of Peterborough Prison (FOPP) to use the term “residents” when referring to prisoners, in line with the practice among officers and staff within the prison.

Following direction from Her Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS), from 16th May 2022 prison officers and staff have been instructed to use the terminology “prisoners”, “people in prison” and/or “offenders” rather than “residents”.

After consideration by FOPP directors, it has been decided that we will use the same terminology as that adopted within the prison.  You may notice minor changes to our website as we begin to introduce the revised terminology.

This change is purely one of terminology.  Our values of impartiality, respect, safety, decency and diversity remain unchanged, along with our policy of being non-judgemental.


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